User Feedback: Interview at the Chalon-sur-Saône Hospital


Chalon-sur-Saône, May 2, 2024 – An interview was conducted at the Chalon-sur-Saône Hospital to gather impressions and feedback from users of the of Superwyze’s equipment flow management solution. Implemented for a few years now, this technology has integrated into the routine of healthcare professionals, allowing them to locate medical equipment and set up personalized alerts.


In this report, you will discover the testimonials of:

  • Alexandre Benoist, Clinical Engineer
  • Laurent Rathouis, Biomedical Engineer
  • Virginie Durand, Nursing Assistant in the Intensive Care Unit
  • Bertrand Leroy, Head of Sterile Pharmacy Service
  • Dr. Jérôme Coutet, Pharmacist and Head of the Medical-Technical Department
  • Caroline Bourgeois-Riou, Co-Founder of Superwyze


The results show significant improvements in several key areas:

Time savings for teams benefiting patients: Thanks to equipment localization, caregivers can quickly find the needed equipment, reducing stress and allowing them to focus on patient care.

Equipment park optimization: More efficient management and improved visibility have prevented unnecessary equipment purchases and optimized the use of existing equipment.

Prevention of losses and thefts: Real-time tracking of equipment minimizes losses and thefts, ensuring significant security for medical equipment.


👉 To find out more about user feedback, check out the interview on our YouTube channel :


👉 An article is also available; you have the option to read, watch, or listen to it in audio format.